Balit Ngulu is a specialised youth program within the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) dedicated to providing legal assistance and representation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. Balit Ngulu means ‘Strong Voice’ in Wurundjeri language. Balit Ngulu was established to ensure that young people had access to culturally appropriate legal representation.

What we offer:
We provide holistic support and case management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth and children that come into contact with the Justice System.
Balit Ngulu aims to provide legal advice and assistance in the areas of youth justice, to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander youth across Melbourne and Greater Shepparton.
What does Balit Ngulu aim to achieve:
Balit Ngulu strives to:
- Promote social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth
- Promote the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth to empowerment, identity and culture
- Ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth enjoy their rights, are aware of their responsibilities under the law and have access to appropriate advice, assistance and representation
- Reduce the disproportionate involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth in the criminal justice and child protection systems
- Promote the review of legislation and other practices which discriminate against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth.
What does Balit Ngulu assist with?
Youth Justice
Balit Ngulu provides youth justice assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth who have been charged with summary and indictable offences. Balit Ngulu has a strong focus on diverting young people from the justice system whilst supporting their empowerment and resilience.
Our model:
The service design model encompasses 2 streams of support. We provide:
Lawyers — High quality legal advice, assistance and representation to ensure young people are adequately and independently represented to facilitate just outcomes.
Youth Support Officers — Culturally Safe Holistic support and case management to ensure the young person feels seen, heard, connected and has a positive plan forward.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us using the form provided if you require assistance, and if your matter is urgent call 1800 064 865.